Hire Banda Aceh car rental makes it easier for you in terms of transportation in Banda Aceh. You want to visit some interesting places in Banda Aceh you can rent a car in Banda Aceh. We offer car rental in Banda Aceh with driver service. This Banda Aceh transport rental already includes fuel (gasoline) and driver.
For those of you who want to visit various interesting places in Aceh at a low cost, you can choose the following Aceh vacation packages:
If you want to visit some other destinations in Aceh such as Weh Island and other destinations, you can choose the following Pulau Weh tour packages:
In addition to holiday packages, if you want to do some activities such as seeing dolphins, fishing, scuba diving and even rafting, you can choose the following packages:
Car Rental Prices in Banda Aceh City
Avanza car: Rp. 600,000,- (EUR 38) per car (includes fuel, car and driver), price does not include parking fee and entrance fee.Innova Reborn Car: Rp. 800,000 (EUR 50) per car (includes fuel, car and driver), price does not include parking fee and entrance fee.